
Mountain Equipment Co-op
400 King Street West - 416-340-2667

Gear from MEC, Black Diamond, Petzl, Camp, DMM and more.


Climber's Rock
5155 Harvester Road - 905-633-7625

Climbing Gym

Mountain Equipment Co-op
1030 Brant Street - 905-333-8559

Gear from MEC, Black Diamond, Petzl, Camp, DMM and more.


Gravity Climbing Gym
70 Frid Street - 905-522-8778

Climbing Gym


Mountain Equipment Co-op
1230 – 1300 Wellington Rd., unit #111/112

Gear from MEC, Black Diamond, Petzl, Camp, DMM and more.


Mountain Equipment Co-op
366 Richmond Road - 613-729-2700

Gear from MEC, Black Diamond, Petzl, Camp, DMM and more.


Rock and Rope
180 Perry Street - 705-745-2333

Climbing gym

Wild Rock
169 Charlotte Street - 705-745-9133

Climbing gear


Mountain Equipment Co-op
400 King Street West - 416-340-2667

Gear from MEC, Black Diamond, Petzl, Camp, DMM and more.

Last updated May 20th, 2013

We LOVE climbing stores! Trail Swag has visited, photographed and listed each of these stores to let readers know where they can find quality climbing goods. If you are a store owner and your store isn't on our list or if you would like us to profile your store, we would love for you to get in touch with us!