BC Parks Camping Attendance Up For Third Consecutive Year

BC Parks Camping Attendance Up For Third Consecutive Year

While the Globe and Mail reported this week that Canadians aren't camping as much (Between 2000 and 2013, the number of overnight camping stays in Ontario’s provincial parks fell by 10 per cent, while a 2010 study from Tourism Quebec found that campsite occupancy in that province fell by 8.7 per cent between the summers of 2006 and 2009.) BC Parks saw an upwards trend for the third year in a row.

Day-use saw a 2.6% increase as well from 2012/13 to 2013/14.

BC Parks includes 1,030 protected lands, covering approximately 14.4% of the province and is one of the largest protected areas systems in North America.

Learn more from BC Parks' Annual Report, including some interesting articles about Mount Robson Park's 100th Anniversary, which of the BC Parks locations that saw upgrades throughout the year, and the success story of the Ranger’s Cabins for Bowron Lake Park. On a side note, we were excited to hear about backcountry camping opening for the first time at Joffre Lakes Provincial Park.

Learn more and plan your next camping trip by visiting BC Parks' website. Don't forget 2015 camping fees are going up on March 15th (Parking remains free and there is no increase for backcountry camping).