Toronto International Bicycle Show 2011
When attending the Toronto International Bicycle Spring Show, you can park in the lot across from the Better Living Centre for $13 for the day (although it fills up fast). Adult tickets are $13 but there are discounts for Seniors, Children, Families and Multi-day access.
Bikes, Bikes and more Bikes. The floor was laid out with half of it dedicated to the manufacturers and travel and the other half dedicated to local shops.
Check out Joyride150, an indoor bike course in Toronto. I know I will to beat the 'winter blahs' and if you're lucky, they might even give you a 25% off your first ride coupon!
I'm a Trek fan so needless to say I was sucked into this booth. Piles of demo bikes on sale as well as gear and clothing.
Shimano is showing off their new line of tools, saddles, stems, handlebars and other top notch goodies in the Pro Bikegear line.
Chris from Shimano is demonstrating how to find the right fit in a shoe.
Both an indoor dirt track and wood track were avaliable for the BMX Jam and Toronto Indoor Mountain Bike Championships. Lots of jumps and dual slalom MTB races. Watching the Flatland riders were something to behold as they were quite dextrious on their BMXes.
IMBA with their show special of $25 for a membership sign up!
The show was great to introduce you to local clubs in the area that you might not known have existed such as the Toronto Off-road Bicycling Association. PowerBar was in attendance as usual with free samples of their ProteinPlus powder and surprisingly tasty Gel Blasts. Pick up your free copy of the lastest issue of GetOutThere magazine (Booth 671). Overall I enjoyed it, however it isn't as large as last year's fall show. I think every shop that showed up brought their jersey overflow pile, hope they have your size. There also the InVita Bicycle Fashon Show to check out as well (1PM each day at booth 500). If you are a racer, there is a $5 discount on all UCI licences (Booth 600).