Nike+ GPS Updated to 3.1.1

The Nike+ GPS update has been updated to version 3.1.1 which includes the following changes...

  • Choose whether you want your music play/pause button to start or pause your run. 
  • Choose if you'd like to include your pace in your Facebook and Twitter posts.
  • You now have the option to edit your Twitter messages before posting.
  • New Auto-calibration makes it easier to calibrate your runs.
  • We’ve fixed some bugs, making registration and login a breeze. Use Facebook or Twitter to Register/Login for Nike+

Nike+ is a run tracking app that costs $1.99 to purchase and requires an iPhone or iPod Touch that is running iOS 4.0 or higher.

I'm most excited about the ability to customize the Tweets (so that others know where I am running) and the new auto calibrate feature as I still find Nike+ tracking varies run to run even though I usually trail run the same distance. If you want to add me on Nike+ as a friend, my username is "iEvan". See you out on the trails!