Nova Craft Introduces New Whitewater Canoes
Nova Craft unveiled new Whitewater Canoes this week.
"Nova Craft Canoe has built a new whitewater canoe designs, the Ocoee, it will be available in Royalex and Royalex Plus.
The Ocoee is based on a Frankie Hubbard OC1 design. It is one of the most popular solo whitewater canoes ever produced. The Ocoee’s flexibility is remarkable for creeking and general river running and it is an outstanding OC1 for slalom. With practice the Ocoee is definitely a canoe that anyone can handle. Ocoee is 11’ 3”, will come standard with vinyl gunwales, at a weight of 38 lb. in Royalex and 44 lb. in Royalex Plus."

Evan Holt