Gift Idea: Nicholas Oldland Books
What do get when you combine...
- A Beaver who is so busy that he didn't think things through (The Busy Beaver)
- A Bear so filled with love and happiness that whenever he came across another living thing, he would give it a hug (Big Bear Hug)
- A Moose who doesn't seize the day (Making the Moose out of Life)
You get a great trilogy of books, as well as one that brings all the characters together for a canoe trip in Up The Creek (You can discover the origins if the canoe in The Busy Beaver). All of the children's books feature fantastic artwork, and a moral at the end of the story. Up the Creek was my favourite of the series (mainly because of the canoe... and the Canadiana). You can find the book series and products with the trio of characters at Hatley stores, and a mug series at Chapters/Indigo.
Evan Holt