MEC Changes Logo and Direction

Mountain Equipment Co-op is going through a rebranding to inspire more Canadians to get outside...
"We are living in a time of rapid and profound change. Canadian society is increasingly urban, connected through technology, and becoming an attractive market for US and global brands. To remain relevant and responsive to members’ needs, we have expanded our product assortments and the activities we support – moving from mountains, to oceans, and spanning every landscape in between. Members have embraced these changes. Through their purchases of running gear and bikes, participation in races and events, and through direct feedback they let us know that MEC is successfully providing products and experiences relevant to their lives." - CEO David Labistour - Read his full blog entry
The new MEC logo (the first change since the logos inception in 1971) will start appearing on new merchandise in July, followed by store redesigns in September. The 'new look' will appear here in Ontario at the Toronto store first and then gradually roll out to the other stores.
To help kick off the new change, MEC is hosting the Outside Move Me contest and asks for you to send in photos and stories on how you represent your motivation. Winners could be featured in a fall MEC campaign, and will receive a $500 MEC Gift Card. A separate grand prize trip for four to Ivvavik National Park in the Canadian Arctic (Valued at approximately $25,000) will be awarded to the photo that gets the most votes by the public.