Keen Wants You To #FollowYourFeet

Keen Wants You To #FollowYourFeet

Are you willing to ‪#‎FollowYourFeet‬ on a new adventure? How about earning a collectible ‪#‎FollowYourFeetPatch‬ for completing it? Here's what you need to do:

  1. Ask Keen for an adventure by tweeting them (@KEENCanada) or commenting on the Facebook post using the hashtag ‪#‎MyFeetAreWaiting‬
  2. Keen will assign you an adventure that you complete according to what it means to YOU
  3. Document your adventure through photos and videos
  4. Post those photos/videos with the hashtag #FollowYourFeetPatch on Twitter or Instagram
  5. Way to go! Keen will get in touch and send you your collectible embroidered patch that you can proudly display on your backpacks, hats and more!

We're taking part too!...

Time to get to work!...