Become An Ambassador for Alberta Parks

Update - Juy 12th, 2015: Congratulations to the 12 new ambassadors who were chosen from the 70 applications.

Connect with them to follow their adventures.

Can you rhyme off all 476 Alberta Parks locations? Have you told all of your friends about what they are missing by not camping, hiking or canoeing through the numerous scenic destinations? Maybe you should apply to become an #ABparksAmbassador?

Here's what they are looking for...

  • You're a huge Alberta Parks fan. You love their parks, vision and mission
  • You can’t say enough positive things about Alberta Parks and want to spread the word on your social media hangouts as a #ABparksAmbassador
  • You’re on the main social media platforms and follow Alberta Parks (FacebookTwitterInstagram)
  • You can create an ambassador profile for the program and our website, as well as content about your Alberta Parks experiences for a guest blog post on our Alberta Parks website
  • You will go out to Alberta Parks at least 2-3 times this summer and share those experiences on your social media channels as an Alberta Parks Ambassador
  • You will adhere to Alberta Parks regulations

If they pick you, Alberta Parks will provide...

  • Free camping, comfort camping, guided hiking tours, bus tours and programs
  • Access to our staff – park interpreters, ecologists, biologist, conservation officers, etc.
  • Alberta Parks swag
  • Invitation to our weekend volunteer conference in fall

Learn more and apply online at the Alberta Parks's #ABparksAmbassador page.