Beware The Hickory Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Spotted this little cutie while camping the other day and what caught my eye was that it was white. I haven't seen a white caterpillar before and it turns out it has slowly been working its way North from the U.S. into the Southern areas of Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia over the past few years. This little 3.5 cm guy Is most commonly out munching on leaves from July to September.
The worst of it however are those long black hairs you can see in the photo are attached to poison glands which excrete poison on contact. It will cause a rash similar to Poison Ivy (or if you are allergic, swelling and nausea), and if you do happen to touch one, wash the area with soap and water immediately, then apply Calamine Lotion.

Evan Holt