BC Parks To Add 1,900 New Campsites Over The Next Five Years

Some pretty big news from BC Parks this week. The BC Parks Future Strategy was unveiled which invests $23 million over the next five years to add 1,900 new campsites!
In addition to investing in conservation and the BC Parks Foundation, the strategy includes guaranteed access for disabled users at popular locations, and new outdoor recreation opportunities at all existing parks.
BC Parks will also be adding sites at some smaller high-demand campgrounds, investing in improvements like new toilet and shower facilities, and improving underutilized campgrounds close to more popular ones. They are also creating a strategy to offer new recreational offerings such as marine trails, back-country cabins and hut-to-hut circuits, mountain biking circuits, and enhanced electrification and servicing.
BC Parks is also making changes to their 2017 reservation system to ensure fair and equitable access when booking a site.
In partnership with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), BC Parks will introduce a series of specialty license plates depicting scenes from our parks and recreational areas. Vehicle owners who order them will show their support for our parks while also ensuring additional funds are directly invested in new programs and improvements.
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