'Know The North' Sets Out To Paddle From Saskatchewan To Hudson Bay

Today marks the beginning of an expedition that eight educators and outdoor enthusiasts are about to embark on. Their route is expected to take 50 days as they cover 1,384 Kilometres via canoe as they paddle from Saskatchewan to Hudson Bay.
Follow Kira Burkett, Ian Girard, Hadley Burns, Paul Schram, Augusta Stobbe, James Swan, Steve Kesselman and Sydney Toni through their blog entries, Instagram photos and on Facebook. James Swan and Augusta Stobbe canoed the Bloodvein River, East of Lake Winnipeg last year and Paul Schram and Hadley Burns recently paddled from Thunder Bay to Manitoba as Path of the Paddle Trail Ambassadors.
“I agonized over whether or not to join the expedition for weeks. One day, I was explaining to my dad how much I really wanted to go, but also how afraid I was of being seen by my fellow canoe trippers as not good enough, or strong enough, or skilled enough. My dad looked me in the eyes (which was mildly alarming, as he was driving at the time), and he said, “Augusta, one of the most important things I’ve learned in life is that you shouldn’t be ruled by fear. Don’t base important life decisions on whether or not something is scary or you will miss out on some incredible opportunities.” ”

Evan Holt