How Do You Celebrate Mother's Day For a 91 Year Old? Take Her Canoeing!

Geoff Micks' grandmother Serena camped for weeks at a time in Algonquin Provincial Park from the early 1960s right up until about ten years ago. Recently however she had both knees replaced and at the age of 91, that's not a guaranteed thing. Doctors won't perform the operation unless they think you will be using them!
Serena hasn't been up to the park as much as she used to, and this past winter she wondered if she would ever get in a canoe again. As a Mother's Day surprise, Geoff and his mother Paulette (who has fond memories of camping with Serena throughout Paulette's childhood) decided to make her wish come true!
They rented a cabin at Killarney Lodge that came with a canoe and made a weekend of it. They hiked Spruce Bog Trail, the trail at the logging museum and the abandoned airfield at Mew Lake. They toured the Visitor Centre, and visited lakes Opeongo, Canoe, and Rock over the course of three days.
What a great way to celebrate.