MEC Vows To Include More Diversity In Their Ads

David Labistour, CEO of Mountain Equipment Co-op vowed to include more diversity in their own marketing materials today…
“We can’t move forward until we acknowledge our past. Historically, the models we’ve used in our catalogues and campaigns and on have been predominantly white. And this imagery has perpetuated the vastly incorrect notion that people of colour in Canada don’t ski, hike, climb or camp. This letter is about recognizing the role we’ve played in underrepresenting people of colour in the outdoors, and committing to change. It’s not OK. As CEO of MEC, I promise that moving forward, we will make sure we’re inspiring and representing the diverse community that already exists in the outdoors.
This initiative isn’t about patting ourselves on the back. It’s also not about me, another straight white male with a voice in the outdoor industry. This is a conscious decision to change, and to challenge our industry partners to do the same. We know we’ve been part of the problem, and we’re committed to learning from our mistakes and changing the way we represent the outdoor community.
Outside is for everyone. It’s time we acted like it.”
Learn more about their initiative on their website.

Evan Holt