Nova Scotia Provincial Parks 2018 Camping Reservations Open April 2nd

Nova Scotia Provincial Parks 2018 Camping Reservations Open April 2nd

Campsite reservations for Nova Scotia Provincial Parks open April 2nd at 9 a.m. (Atlantic time) for the 2018 season. Reserve online using their brand new website, or call 1-888-544-3434 to reserve. You can see operating dates for the parks including fees and all of the details about making reservations. Each park has their own downloadable brochure, park map and photo gallery to learn more about them.

If you want to learn more about camping such as how to select camping and outdoor cooking gear, how to set up and break camp (including your tent), and starting campfires and how cook outdoors, check out the Learn 2 Camp on July 21st and 22nd.

It’s clear that both Nova Scotians and visitors love our provincial parks and all they have to offer. Given our parks’ popularity, I encourage everyone to book their campsites early.
— Natural Resources Minister, Margaret Miller

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Blog photo provided by Nova Scotia Provincial Parks