On The Newsstands: Spring 2018 Issue Of Paddling Magazine

The Spring 2018 issue of Paddling Magazine is on the newsstands. In this issue...
The bold, near future of Whitewater boat design
Connected by canoe. The 10 day journey to save a nation
Perfect trips
Kayak Johnstone Straight
Canoe Scottish Highlands
Paddleboard Arctic Norway
Best SUP training secrets
Justine Curgenven tears off Sea Kayaking's Grey Beard
Dream drone kit
Six perfect PFDs
Best bike shuttle rig
Wild Women wilderness artists
How we smothered real adventure
Never back ferry again
A wonderful way to die
And more...
Canoeroots is $6.99 at your local newsstand and $3.99 on the iOS Digital Newsstand and the Android Store.
Don't forget Canoeroots Magazine has been combined into this magazine going forward.
Traversing's On the Newsstands: covers the latest Canadian magazines in an effort to let you know what great new content or digital issues that have hit the shelves.