Happy 'National Canoe Day' 2018!

Happy National Canoe Day! On June 26th each year tag your recent trip photos #NationalCanoeDay and we'll add them here. Hope you have had some fun adventures so far, and now that Summer is officially here.. it's the kick off to big adventures! Have a photo you want us to share? Let us know!
#NationalCanoeDay a beautiful little provincial park:Norris Lake pic.twitter.com/71KksYvDgA
— Elaine Kowalchuk (@ElaineKowalchuk) June 26, 2018
@CanGeo Happy #NationalCanoeDay from Kejimkujik National Park #NovaScotia #TravelTuesday #ExploreCanada pic.twitter.com/v5n6UdK1pJ
— Karen Cook (@KarenCookPhotos) June 26, 2018
Happy #NationalCanoeDay! /c @mylakehead @LakeheadAlumni pic.twitter.com/WulMNf2C49
— Marc Gagnon (@marcrjgagnon) June 26, 2018
Happy #NationalCanoeDay! A foggy morning paddle in @Algonquin_PP pic.twitter.com/MUYqDfRKWp
— ClaireMc (@LaguitoGal) June 25, 2018
Our Women of Courage Program canoeing in Desolation Sound, BC. 🚣 We'd love to see some of your paddling pics for #NationalCanoeDay! pic.twitter.com/GRPFaJzSW8
— Outward Bound Canada (@OutwardBoundCan) June 26, 2018
Sean Rowley from Paddling Adventures Radio posted: On NATIONAL CANOE DAY I am posting a photo of three of my most favourite paddling partners. My fourth favourite is taking this photo. Lake Louise, Alberta in the Canadian Rockies.