B.C. Parks Adding New Features To Camping Reservation System

B.C. Parks is adding a bunch of new features to their Discover Camping reservation system that should be in place this December (2019)…
notifications if previously booked sites become available at a certain park during a specific time
advanced search and availability display features that show availability in nearby parks if the first choice is full
an option to sign up for additional BC Parks information, such as newsletters and event notices
add-on features to a reservation, such as firewood, ice and park related merchandise
an option to purchase and send e-gift cards to family and friends for use on the Discover Camping system.
Many of these new features is because B.C. Parks is switching their backend to a new provider named US eDirect. Fees remain at 1996 pricing levels and will not increase for the new system.
Last year, BC Parks had another record-breaking year, with nearly 231,000 reservations made through Discover Camping — a 9% growth from the 212,000 made in 2017. So far this year, there have been more than 155,000 reservations made through the service — a 15% increase over the same time last year. The majority of reservations originate from within B.C.
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