Join Tori Baird And "Paddle Like A Girl"

You might recognize Tori Baird from her husband’s (Jim Baird) adventures, and now she has launched her own website Paddle Like a Girl, which offers women’s canoeing workshops in Magnetawan, Ontario.
“I’m very excited to officially launch my Paddle Like a Girl website. One weekend each month throughout the summer, I will be running women’s canoeing workshops from our property on the Magnetawan. The workshops will cover all the basics for planning a backcountry canoe trip, from map reading and gear selection to paddling and shouldering your own canoe.
It will be geared towards women who want to take their camping trips to the next level but aren’t very confident in a canoe, for those who are curious to see what canoe tripping is all about or maybe for those who just want to brush up on some skills. It will be a fun weekend with like-minded women, a chance to get outside and learn new things, get some exercise, eat some yummy food and sit around a campfire. I will also be bringing in a Yoga instructor for Yoga by the river on Sunday morning.
The workshops will start in May, and because it will be the FIRST one, I’m offering the May workshop weekend at a discounted price. Please check out the website, and message me if you have any questions.”

Evan Holt