Check Out The "Bitty Big Q" Camping Grill

The Bitty Big Q is a Canadian invention by creator David Yeh out of Bradford, Ontario and we recently chatted with him to find out more about his foldable grill.
David says that he is usually the one carrying most of the gear when backcountry camping with his family. One thing that irked him was the size and bulk of cookware, especially the grill. Preferring to cook over natural wood versus camp stoves he thought there had to be something better on the market. When he couldn’t find anything David went to work on creating his own portable grill despite having no design background (but he does enjoy tinkering with things).
In 2018 David came out with his first design just to see if it would work. Then while sourcing parts and manufacturing in China and Taiwan, he found his design was too complicated to put together. After much pacing in his house, he came up with a new design that reduced the tooling by 50% which lead to the first prototype.
After a few burn tests, he found the legs would either loosen or tighten which he thought might be an issue with the washers. By May 2019 he solved the problem by modifying the design further to create locking legs which is the design you see today.
Weighing only 803 grams (1.77 lbs) it is made from 316 stainless steel which is medical grade and offers great resistance to rust compared to other stainless steel grills on the market which use a lower grade. The grilling surface is about 160 square inches which should be good for about four people.
The Bitty Big Q camping grill can be purchased through their online store or at Stay connected with Bitty Big Q by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.