Canoe Museum Closed & MEC Stores Reducing Hours

Now that COVID-19 has been declared an epidemic, the Canadian Canoe Museum has temporarily closed to the public. This includes the galleries, store, and all programs and events (including third-party rentals and March Break camps). They anticipate remaining closed until April 6th.
Mountain Equipment Co-op has also chosen to reduced the hours the retail stores are open. As of Monday, March 16th, MEC stores will be open from 12 PM to 6 PM every day (12 PM to 5 PM on weekends for stores in Quebec).
We have also made the decision to pause our in-store clinic, event and rental programs until further notice. In addition, we have closed our community room spaces. We believe that experiencing the outdoors with our members and learning alongside our communities is invaluable and we look forward to offering these opportunities across Canada again in the future.