Kevin Callan's Paddler's Guide to Killarney and the French River Coming In 2022

Update: The release date has been moved to May 3rd, 2022.
Kevin Callan will be releasing a second edition of his Paddler's Guide to Killarney and the French River on March 14th, 2022 (Pre-order on Amazon, and Chapters/Indigo).
The first edition came out in 2006 and the update will include 15 up-to-date maps, this updated and expanded second edition contains canoe routes and hiking trails for outdoorspeople of all levels, from beginner to expert.
Here are some of the routes included in the book:
OSA Lake
Threenarrows Lake
Bell Lake / Silver Peak
Panache Lake
Nellie Lake
Philip Edward Island / Fox Islands
Bear Lake Loop
Upper French
Old Voyageur Channel
French / Pickerel River Loop
Eighteen Mile Island
Okikendawt Island Loop

Evan Holt