Watch: Kevin Callan's Ontario's Lost Canoe Routes Presentation

Kevin Callan released the extended version of his Ontario’s Lost Canoe Routes presentation which covers the lesser-known spots to paddle.
This is the extended version that I did during my spring 2021 speaking (virtual) tour. From my book "A Paddlers Guide to Ontario's Lost Canoe Routes."
Highlights include…
Wabakimi Provincial Park
Steel River Loop
Chapleau and Nemegosenda Rivers
Wakami Lake Loop
Ranger Lake Loop
Dunlop Lake Loop
Lac aux Sables: Bark Lake Loop
Nabakwasi River Loop
Four M Circle Loop
Tatachikapika River
Chiniguichi River
Temagami's Canton Lakes
Marten River Provincial Park
South River
York River
You can order your copy of the original book on

Evan Holt