Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier Closed Due To Flooding

Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier has been preventively closed due to flooding and will be closed at least until Wednesday, May 18, 2022. The situation will be closely monitored and reassessed on a daily basis.
Please note that spring flooding is currently raising the level of Rivière Jacques-Cartier considerably, resulting in a significant risk of overflow in the short term.
As a result, planned camping and accommodation stays must be cancelled. All customers affected by this situation will be contacted by our team and offered the option of rescheduling their stay or obtaining a credit or refund.
If you have purchased a daily right of access for this period, you may contact Sépaq via the online form or by phone at 1-800-665-6527 to reschedule your outing or obtain a credit or refund.