Badger Paddles Announces Summer Photo Challenge

After Badger Paddles unveiled their new Forest Edition canoe paddles last month, they have kicked off a new #MORETHANAPADDLE photo contest…
Have you ever used your canoe paddle blade as a flat surface to fillet a fish on shore? How about as a support for a tarp or fly? Or maybe you’ve incorporated a couple of paddles into a sail or lashed onto your canoe as a makeshift yoke? Perhaps you have even used your paddle to fashion yourself an impromptu air guitar…
If you have used your Badger canoe paddle as a substitute or temporary solution for a problem and then went back to using the paddle again as intended, then this contest is for you!
Starting June 21st, 2022 all you have to do is post a photo of you using your Badger canoe paddle in interesting and different ways besides the obvious application of paddling for a chance to win one of three prizes. Check out Badger Paddles’ prize page for more information including how to enter and the rules.
Stay connected with Badger Paddles by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.