Province Of Manitoba Investing $1.1M To Improve Accessibility At Manitoba Parks

The Province of Manitoba asked for feedback earlier this year as to what visitors of Manitoba Parks wanted to see in the province’s 92 parks. The Engage MB survey results have now been published, and the province’s new Provincial Parks Endowment Funds will go to implementing upgrades and changes in the parks including…
development and maintenance of trails, boardwalks and associated infrastructure
public-use facilities such as amphitheaters, shelters, day-use sites, playground equipment, docks and launches
park road maintenance
habitat restoration and enhancement
historical assets and cultural sites
infrastructure to support programming
modern machinery and operational equipment
municipal servicing infrastructure
campground enhancements
interpretive infrastructure to support programming
Each year, priorities for the use of the revenues generated through the Endowment Funds will be determined through public engagement. This year’s survey results showed what visitors thought priorities should be.
Comments about trails and backcountry routes were also common, with 24 per cent of question respondents commenting on this subject. This included comments about the need to improve or create new trails and backcountry routes (including canoe routes), improve/ create ancillary facilities such as parking and staging areas, make changes to trails to address conflicts between different user types, and improve trail maps.
Parks that have already been slated for upgrades include…
Whiteshell Provincial Park
eight new accessible camping sites and upgrades to 17 existing ones
Button door openers will be added to public buildings in the park, such as the camp offices, washrooms and shower facilities.
Grand Beach Provincial Park: three new accessible camp sites.
Birds Hill:
Paving the pathway to the washroom at the west beach
Paving the Bur Oak parking lot.
Nopiming Provincial Park:
picnic tables, campfire pits, and boat launches will be upgraded
a new viewing telescope
Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park:
walkway maintenance
New amphitheatre
Learn more about the Endowment Funds and how you can contribute here. Stay connected with Manitoba Parks by following them on Twitter.