The Future Of Eureka! Products Is In Jeopardy

Eureka! has been a staple in the camping community and their tents have been around since the 1950’s (while the brand itself dates back to 1895). I’ve camped in a Timberline tent since I was a kid and still enjoy using one on family trips along with my NoBugZone bug shelter and waterproof canoe pack. Sadly this week the parent company Johnson Outdoors announced that they are winding down the Eureka! brand although they will still fulfill all customer requirements through the end of 2024.
“After careful and thoughtful consideration, we have decided to increase our focus on the opportunities in the Jetboil franchise and our strong position in the cooking segment. This was a very tough decision, but the right decision to make for the good of the company and its long-term success.”
It doesn’t look like it will impact Johnston Outdoors tremendously…
“We expect this will negatively impact Company sales by less than 1 percent for fiscal 2024. Additionally, the company expects to take a charge of approximately $4 million in fiscal year 2023 related to this decision.”
We hope Eureka! lands on its feet, the company will surely be missed if it disappears.
Update: November 8th, 2023
Here’s an update from Outdoors Oriented Source for Adventure…
Hi Everyone, It’s Jamie at Outdoors Oriented here. We’re one of Eureka’s key retail partners in Canada and I thought I’d chime in here to give some info and answer some questions that have been popping up.
- Retailers only found out about this news a few days prior to most of you.
- Retailers had already placed orders for product for 2024 deliveries and from what we’ve been told so far, those will still happen.
- This is an international change. It’s not exclusive to Eureka Canada, Eureka US is also affected (and quite frankly – is likely more the reason)
- We don’t have confirmation on how warranties will be handled after 2024. This is a key piece of information that we as retailers are still waiting for more details on.
- The very popular canoe packs were actually discontinued for 2023. We however had a special production run of these made up, so we’ll continue to have stock...until you all buy them!
- As Kevin Callan has mentioned, we still plan on being at the Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show this coming February with Eureka beside us.
- And yes, we’re as bummed as many of you! We’ve been selling Eureka gear for our almost 30 years in business and feel that this brand offers some of the best value in camping gear, along with some very unique pieces not available elsewhere.