Backcountry Camping Closed At Kejimkujik National Park

As a preventative measure due to the wildfires in Nova Scotia, backcountry camping is now closed at Kejimkujik National Park. If you already have a campsite reservation up to and including Monday June 5th, 2023 it will automatically be cancelled and fully refunded. No action is required by reservation holders.
Day use of the backcountry (day hiking) will not be permitted. Gravel access roads (Big Dam to the north and Eel Weir to the south) will be closed.
A full fire ban continues for Jeremy’s Bay Campground and all front-country areas of the park. No open fires are permitted, including charcoal BBQs. Gas-powered fire pits, stoves and BBQs are permitted on campsites only.

Evan Holt