Friday Chuckle: CIA Canoe Pool Declassified

Friday Chuckle: CIA Canoe Pool Declassified

While it isn't Canadian news, I did get a chuckle out of the findings of some recently declassified CIA journals. One of the more interesting journals is "The CIA Canoe Pool" which tells the tale of the author canoeing to work at the CIA...

"There are other problems that a non-canoeist might not anticipate. Mud, for example. I have an agreement with my wife that my method of commuting will no add significantly to her laundry pile, and my muddy trousers often test the limits of that agreement. Things are worst in the aftermath of high water, when the emergent riverbank has a consistency almost impossible to describe; Mark Twain's "too thick to drink, too thin to plow" comes close. It is easy to sink in shin-deep. A clothes brush at the office helps, but there still are days when I must try to maintain my dignity with patches of dried mud on the lower third of my trousers."

Download the .PDF and have a read, it's pretty funny.