Algonquin Park's First Halloween Weekend
For the first time, Algonquin Park is going to celebrate Halloween over October 26th and 27th. You can camp at the Mew Lake Campground (open year round) while enjoying the local trails such as the Old Railway bike trail and to the Track & Tower trail. On the 26th, after the sun goes down, the Halloween festivities begin. At 7:30 there will be a guided Owl prowl. On the 27th, there will be a pumpkin carving contest, and prizes for best costume (age groups 0-5, 6-12, 13+) and spookiest campsite (spookiest campsite can win a free weekend of camping in Algonquin). There will be Trick or Treating at 5:30 followed by a Wolf Howl at 7:30.
For more information, head over to the Friends of Algonquin Park's website.

Evan Holt