Algonquin Park Backcountry Opens For 2024 Camping Season

After an unseasonably warm Spring, Ontario Parks has opened Algonquin Provincial Park’s backcountry for the 2024 camping season. Ordinarily the backcountry is closed until things dry up a little after the Spring thaw. It was originally scheduled to be off limits March 31st to May 2nd however this year surprises everyone by opening three weeks earlier than originally planned.
Be sure to keep an eye on the Alerts tab of the backcountry page before heading out as conditions can change. Take note of the following notices….
Inaccessible/Closed Access Points:
- Grand Lake (Achray) Access Point – for paddling and backpacking
- McManus Lake Access Point
- Lake Travers Access Point
- Magnetawan Lake Access Point
Access Point Roads:
Are not yet maintained and could be in poor condition. Expect some roads to have snow, ice, potholes, minor washouts and fallen debris and trees. Use at your own risk and please drive with caution.
Access Points that require 4 Wheel Drive (4WD) to access:
- Tim River
- Rain Lake
- Kingscote Lake
- Cedar Lake/Brent
- Brain Lake
Also for 2024, there have been the following changes…
Backcountry reservations for Cedar Lake are now split into East and West, with the dividing line being from the Brent Campground on the north shore to the Petawawa River P695 portage on the southern shore.
Access Point Changes:
- The Magnetawan / Kearney Access Point office has moved to: 1734 Highway 518, Kearney Ontario
- Galeairy Lake Access Point overnight parking can be found at 41 Hay Creek Road
- Aylen Lake Access Point has moved locations: 18 Aylen Lake 45.651084°, -77.918515° From Hwy 60, 11.8 km east of the village of Madawaska, follow the Aylen Lake Road north for 7.8 km, turn left crossing over a dam and continue 0.4 km, turn left onto North Aylen Lake Road (gravel) and continue for 9km to the access point parking lot. From the parking lot you portage 4km into Wilkins Lake on the cart trail.
Campsite Closure:
-The island campsite on David Lake has permanently closed
-The campsite on South Galipo Lake is currently closed for the 2024 season for site rehabilitation