Mo Paddles 2012
It's November... which means one thing... Men only shave above their lips once for the entire month. Cast a gander towards Mo Paddles if you dare, and vote for your favourite Mo for a chance to win prizes and donate to help fight Prostate Cancer.
"In Movember - the month formerly named "November" - Canadian Outdoor and Paddling Companies have got together to raise awareness and funds for Men's Health. In Support of this global initiative, we'll be growing mustaches and showing them off all month long.
To win one of the 4 Mo Paddles Prize Packages, simply vote for your favourite Mo (The Movember term used interchangeably for both a Movember participant and the mustache he grows.) You can vote once a day, and each time will count as an entry for the next draw. Check out our Contestants, peruse their photos and pick your favourite Mo."

Evan Holt