There is a free introduction session for Nature Connection Fridays taking place this Friday in Peterborough at the Camp Kawartha Environment Centre.

More than ever, the opportunity for kids to connect with the natural world in a timeless and deep way has become a bit of an endangered species. We are really excited to offer an opportunity that counteracts that trend. The Camp Kawartha Environment Centre Nature-based Mentoring program specializes in helping kids (and their families) develop strong connections with the natural world and each other through a supportive, adventurous, child-directed and occasionally challenging setting. 

Thank you for your interest in what we believe is Peterborough's first program offering nature-based mentoring for home schoolers. This initiative is near and dear to us because we feel that it is exactly what is needed to respond to what Richard Louv calls Nature Deficit Disorder. We are looking forward to connecting and beginning to work with a small group of young people and their families who are interested in developing strong natural connections. 

Kids ages 6 to 12 can attend with the parents or guardiens Friday, March 9th, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. RSVP by contacting either D'Arcy Hutton or Craig Brant.