2015 Canadian Student Outdoor Education Conference

The Third Annual Canadian Student Outdoor Education Conference (aka The Horwood Conference) is an academic event organized by and for Canadian students studying outdoor and environmental education, health and physical education, outdoor recreation, adventure leadership, experience-based learning and/or related fields. It is hosted at Queen’s University each year and held over a weekend in January. Graduate, Undergraduate, B.Ed and College students from across Canada will meet at the Horwood Conference to present oral or poster contributions on various research topics related to outdoor education, lead a variety of workshops, share games and learning activities, attend special invited lectures, and also meet with representatives from participating institutions that offer Bachelor of Education and graduate degrees with a focus on outdoor education. Students can choose to simply register as a conference participant or complete the presentation proposal form and attend as a conference presenter.
The Conference Organizing Committee is now accepting presentation proposals, if you are interested in submitting a presentation proposal, please see the downloadable Call for Presentations just below. Proposals for paper presentations, posters, workshops, or creative projects will be accepted up until the submission deadline of December 19, 2014. The theme of this year’s conference is Inspiring Reflections -- an open theme chosen specifically to encourage a wide range of submissions, diverse in both format of presentation and topics related to outdoor education.
The Canadian Student Outdoor Education Conference is named in honour of Bert Horwood, retired Queen’s Professor whose work has had a significant impact on the areas of Outdoor and Experiential Education throughout North America. Originally from the Ottawa Valley, this former high school science teacher gained provincial recognition for his innovative approaches to teaching and leadership within the school system. An active presenter at professional events and contributor to many journals and books, Bert was appointed to Queen's Faculty of Education in 1968 as one of its founding members and was promoted to full professor ten years later. His research focused on aspects of students' experiences in education. These included students' learning on canoe trips, the Walkabout Program, and Integrated Curriculum packages.
Stay up to date with the event by following them on Facebook and Twitter.