Mike Ranta Is Canoeing Across Canada Again

Mike Ranta Is Canoeing Across Canada Again

Mike Ranta solo canoed across North America once before, and now he is part way to completing it a second time (this time even quicker). Along the way he has been chatting with veterans and raising awareness about post traumatic stress disorder.

"Mike was raised in Atikokan, Ontario and spent his life watching small Northern towns struggle to receive necessary funding. This year he's taking it upon himself to help his community and raise funds for much needed infrastructure." Head to Mike's website to make a contribution to support the cause.

Even the smallest contributions help to keep Spitzii and I going, and more importantly, help to support the Atikokan Legion and the Atikokan Youth Centre.
— Mike Ranta

Stay connected with Mike by following him on Facebook and Twitter.