Ryan Morin Is Attempting To Canoe All Of Algonquin's Lakes

Ryan Morin has been canoeing in Algonquin Provincial Park for about 7 years, and has decided to try and visit every lake that you can access via canoe.
“I live near Algonquin Park and can go fishing in its lakes after work. However, finishing the park will be done mostly across two day weekends, using ultramarathon style paddling to access remote parts of the park and back out in two days.”
Having being told by a senior parks staff that "it may take more than a lifetime to accomplish the entire park's portage-able lakes", it gave Ryan the drive to visit all of them. He feels he is on schedule to complete the challenge mid-season next year (2019).
“The lakes I have yet to visit (~170 remaining) are mostly scattered throughout the park. Historically, and for many years, I was searching for the best trout fishing lakes, thus have inadvertently skipped side lakes which I was near at the time, but would consume a whole weekend at this point.”
You can follow along with Ryan's quest on his website Algonquin875, read his blog about his adventures, and see his progress via an interactive map.

Evan Holt