Camping, PetsEvan HoltComment

Teeny Tiny Cat Tents Are Now A Thing

Camping, PetsEvan HoltComment
Teeny Tiny Cat Tents Are Now A Thing

There seems to be a growing trend to take your cat canoeing and camping, so why not give them their own tent? An Australian company has created the Cat Camp, a shrunken down version of a tent and offered in a variety of colours.

  • Size: The Cat Tent is approximately 21.5" wide x 21.5" long x 14.0" tall. This has been designed by Cat Camp to accommodate most domesticated and even stray cats.
  • Entrance: The front of the Cat Tent has a side-zipped entrance. We also have an option for crafty cats to open a secret catch at the rear.
  • Materials: Cat Camp uses a durable and high-quality custom material consistent with modern tent materials.
  • Microfiber fleece: The inside of the tent is layered with a fluffy microfiber pad that keeps your cat comfy, and can be easily removed for cleaning.
  • Weather cover: The designers at Cat Camp know that sometimes the elements can change in an instant, so each Cat Tent comes with a durable heavy weather cover.