James Raffan & Adam Shoalts Amongst Greatest Explorers Of All Time

Congratulations to both James Raffan and Adam Shoalts two Ontario canoeists (and fantastic authors) who have made Canadian Geographic’s Top 90 Explorers Of All Time!
In celebration of Canadian Geographic’s 90th anniversary, the magazine is featuring what it has titled the “90 most influential explorers in the nation’s recorded history.” A panel of The Royal Canadian Geographic Society’s Explorers-in-Residence and Honourary Vice-Presidents came up with the list that spans from the 16th century to today.
The introduction to the article, written by Nick Walker starts off…
All have performed great feats and forged new relationships with the natural world. All have taken bold steps, whether in the service of pure discovery, science and education, the environment, king and country or personal glory,”
“It’s so exciting to see the work of my long-time colleague and mentor James featured this way. He is so incredibly accomplished, and the board, staff and volunteers at the museum are thrilled to see him receive this recognition. It’s among a long list of accolades he has received over the years and it’s certainly a reflection of the passion he brings to everything he does. For more than two decades now, this has included an unwavering commitment to the ever-expanding role of The Canadian Canoe Museum.”
Grab the latest issue which has just hit newsstands for $8.95 and see which other incredible Canadians are on the list.