Ontario Parks Opens Backcountry Camping Beginning June 1st

Ontario Parks Opens Backcountry Camping Beginning June 1st

Ontario Parks has announced today that they will be opening up backcountry camping at 20 operating provincial parks and all non-operating provincial parks and conservation reserves, where it is normally permitted.

We are all eager to get outside this time of year, and backcountry camping will give people a low-risk way to enjoy the benefits of being outdoors while following physical distancing rules. We’re counting on people to be responsible when enjoying our parks and continue to follow all of the public health measures to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
— Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

The following are the 20 parks that will allow backcountry camping (be aware that you will still need to make reservations and obtain a permit where applicable)…

The regular Ontario COVID-19 rules still apply so that means…

  • no more than 5 people can occupy a backcountry campsite during their stay, unless from one household

  • The rest of the campgrounds will remain closed until at least June 14th

  • beaches, roofed accommodations, picnic shelters and Visitor Centres will continue to remain closed.

Please be aware that Ontario Parks staff are still in the process of conducting spring start up maintenance to backcountry campsites, trails and portages. You may experience areas that appear to be in early spring like conditions. Over the next few weeks, we will ensure areas have received initial assessment and maintenance.

Stay connected with Ontario Parks by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Banner image of Lake Superior Provincial Park is from Ontario Parks’ Facebook page and is also May’s free digital download.