2021 Ontario Backcountry Canoe Symposium Cancelled

David Bain, organizer of the Ontario Backcountry Canoe Symposium announced today that sadly, this year’s symposium is cancelled…
“I am sad to officially announce that this April’s Ontario Backcountry Canoe Symposium is cancelled. This will probably come as no surprise to anyone. Given our current ongoing battle with Covid, it is just not reasonable to assume that we could put 400 people in a theatre 3 months from now.
In 2020 we cancelled the symposium at the last minute (March 11th) and held an online symposium on April 18th featuring the speakers that we had originally lined up for the live show. We will not be going online in 2021…. there are already too many great online outdoor streaming shows. The attraction of the OBCS was, in many ways, the opportunity to meet face-to-face and network with the amazing backcountry canoe extended family that we have in Ontario (and sometimes beyond!). This can’t be replicated online.
People have already asked about November and the upcoming Ontario Winter Camping Symposium! We are going to hold off making any decisions on that for now…. the world may look very different in November.
As always, thanks so much for the support that everyone has shown the OBCS these last 10 years. The show would not be possible without the many volunteers, our sponsors, and of course our amazing social media and marketing guru Matt Olsen!
Say safe and healthy everyone. Together, we will get through this.”

Evan Holt