Gear Review: Sun Day Afternoons Kids Fun Bucket

Our little kiddo loves the outdoors, and to foster it further we’ve been taking part in “1000 Hours Outside”. Essentially we have a lofty goal as well as an incentive to have him adventuring as much as possible which I’m sure will now be a yearly initiative. During those Summer months however, there are numerous things to protect him from but we’re most conscious of the sun. Ideally he’ll get a good dose of Vitamin D while playing, but too much of a good thing is harmful, especially at his age.
We’ve tried a few bucket hats which have come and gone, but the Kids Fun Bucket from Sun Day Afternoons has not only been a real champ, but has a few features we really like.
This sun hat has a SPF rating of 50+ while still being very light and breathable. There is also an alternate version with a back veil if you live in a particularly sunny area.
We chose a size a little larger than our toddler’s head so that he could grow in to it. If it was breezy the combination of the strap on the back and the grippy strip inside the brim kept the hat secure. On particularly windy days in the canoe the breakaway chin strap kept it in place and if it ever fell into the water, thankfully it floats.
This has been the perfect summer adventure hat for any condition. It is well vented along the top with mesh when it is warm, and water resistant (while drying quickly) during light showers. I don’t know if we’re going to rack up 1000 hours this year, but we’ve had an incredible time so far and this hat has been key in each of the adventures.
Stay connected with Sun Day Afternoons by following them on Facebook and Instagram and be sure to check out their entire lineup of hats as they have quite the selection. Each of their hats have a lifetime guarantee covering their materials and workmanship.