H2O Canoe Company Announces Three New Canoes

The H2O Canoe Company just unveiled three new canoes for 2024. The PAL, Kruger and Alpha are all 16’ models and will be unveiled at the Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show this weekend.
“I’m really looking forward to the new line up of canoes at H2O. The Pal is a traditional model of the “Pleasure” canoes and the Kruger is a traditional model of the “Cruiser” canoes made by Chestnut, Peterborough and the Canadian Canoe Company. The Alpha is a hybrid design where the bottom half of the canoe has fairly traditional tripping lines but the upper half of the canoe has lines that excel in rough water. These three are some of my favourite canoes and I’ll have the opportunity to demonstrate them at the Outdoor Adventure Show.”
Stay connected with H2O by following them on Facebook and Instagram and be sure to check out their 2024 buyer’s guide.

Evan Holt