R.I.P. Dan Cooke Of Cooke Custom Sewing

Dan Cooke from Cooke Custom Sewing has passed away sadly.
“It was rare to find Dan not near a canoe or planning for his next trip. There are maps littering the house with the places he’s been, a few unfinished trips, but more than that are the photos of the trips taken and enjoyed thoroughly with family, friends and even solo. He loved being outdoors, so much so that when he couldn’t get away, you would find him in the back yard setting up a tent in the middle of winter. In the last few years, he was able to enjoy time spent canoeing down rivers in Alaska, kayaking in Antarctica, hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro, exploring Iceland, and visiting family across the US. Despite some of the challenges in communication that his diagnosis came with, he let you know what he was thinking with his facial expressions tenfold. He would still smile, smirk and give you the side-eye to let you know he was still a part of the conversation. He loved learning and being able to share that knowledge, demonstrating and teaching new and old techniques.
Thank you for all the stories and photos that have been shared today; after hearing about our loss, they are a great reminder of how many lives Dan has impacted and touched. To us, he was and always will be Dad.”

Evan Holt