Blowdown Affecting Canoe Route In Wabakimi Provincial Park

Blowdown Affecting Canoe Route In Wabakimi Provincial Park

A recent blowdown has affected the route between Baldhead and Ballast Lakes (as of August 2024)…

“For those of you planning some fall paddling trips to Wabakimi, be advised that there is significant blowdown reported along the route between Baldhead and Ballast Lakes, likely due to recent storm activity in the area. Water-levels are seasonally low and present challenges for paddling as well. While we are not closing the area, it is very difficult terrain and portages may be impassable without clearing or rerouting. We will be sending out a crew as soon as we can. In the meantime we recommend paddlers take an alternate route to avoid this area.

Wishing you happy paddling!”

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