Wabakimi Canoe Routes Guidebook Is Now Available

The first edition of the Wabakimi Canoe Routes Guidebook is now available…
The very first Guidebook for Wabakimi Provincial Park and surrounding parks; conservation reserves and Crown lands; all with networks of historic canoe routes.
Laurence Mills has spend decades exploring this area and producing his own line of excellent route maps. He is a FOW member and worked closely with our Guidebook Committee.
Wabakimi Canoe Routes provides a wealth of valuable information to help you select the route that best meets your needs. Whether you are an experienced white water enthusiast or seeking a less challenging route in this fabled canoeing paradise; this practical guide provides what you need to know to make the most of this once in a lifetime destination. Featuring:
* Wabakimi – what to expect
* Access – How best to reach the put-in
* Planning your own trip
* Featured canoe trip (Kopka River)
* Trip summaries, maps and alternatives
Routes Include (with various route options):
Kopka River
Allanwater River
Flindt River
Nemo River
Lookout River
Boiling Sand River
Albany River
Pikitigushi River
Little Jackfish River
Little Caribou, Berg River
Little Caribou, Linklater Lake & Big River
Pashkokogan Lake loops (Including the Palisade River)
Brightsand River
Collins River
Vale Creek route
Sales of this guidebook support the canoe route restoration and conservation efforts of the Friends of Wabakimi. The guidebook is 70 pages and spiral bound with mini-planning maps & route descriptions.
U.S. orders begin shipping next week, and Canadian orders ship a week after that. The guidebook is $62, and $49 for members.