No Normal Has Crammed Coffee Into A Tube For Your Next Camping Trip

No Normal Has Crammed Coffee Into A Tube For Your Next Camping Trip

Leave your travel French press at home, a Swiss startup called No Normal has come up with a new way for you to get your caffeine boost on your next camping trip.

They have managed to put 100% Fairtrade Colombian Arabica beans into an 100g squeezable tube that’s ready for making your next cup of coffee. Because the beans have been sweetened with organic Swiss beet sugar they will taste better than ground beans, so they invite you to spread it on bread or even a banana.

No Normal coffee is Made in Switzerland and they say it takes about two teaspoons of their paste to make a cup that has a rich, indulgent flavour with hints of chocolate, nuts, and caramel. Depending on how large your camp mug is, each tube should make about 15 to 25 cups, and no refrigeration is needed so it is perfect to throw in your food barrel as-is.

Stay connected with No Normal by following them on Facebook and Instagram.