Transport Canada Launches Consultation On Making Lifejackets Mandatory

Transport Canada Launches Consultation On Making Lifejackets Mandatory

Transport Canada has launched a 60 day public consultation to determine if PFDs/lifejackets should be mandatory for recreational boaters, canoeists, etc. Canada averages 111 recreational boating deaths each year. Not using a personal flotation device (PFD) or lifejacket is a leading cause of death among recreational boaters, accounting for 89% of all fatalities. Currently here in Canada you are required by law to have a lifejacket or PFD on board for each person on a watercraft, including human-powered crafts.

Transport Canada has been looking into the matter for some time…

We began to re-examine the mandatory use of PFDs/lifejackets for people on board recreational vessels in 2018. Several research projects were launched, by ourselves and safety partners, to collect data to better understand boater perspectives on PFD/lifejacket use.

Results from these projects showed that:

  • 47.8% of online survey respondents reported they always wear a PFD or lifejacket while boating

  • 34% of boaters recorded during on-site observations were wearing a PFD or lifejacket:

    • minors (under the age of 18) were nearly twice as likely than adults to wear a PFD/lifejacket (67% for youth vs. 29% for adults)

    • children 6 to 12 were most likely to wear a PFD/lifejacket (75%)

    • women were slightly more likely to wear a PFD/lifejacket than men (38% vs. 31%)

    • "wear rates” (the number of people on a vessel wearing a PFD/lifejacket) varied widely across vessel types but were higher on-board smaller vessels compared to larger vessels

    • results for human powered vessels ranged widely, with high wear rates for kayakers (78%), but much lower rates for canoers (41%)

    • guests on board recreational vessels were much more likely (46 times) to wear a PFD/lifejacket when the operator was wearing one

An interesting statistic that Transport Canada also shared was that only 41% of canoeists wear a PFD.

Potentially, mandatory requirement for PFD/lifejacket use could come down to age requirements, vessel length and vessel type. To learn more, read the Mandatory Wear of Personal Flotation Devices/Lifejackets Enhanced Canadian Data backgrounder, then have your say by taking part and filling in the survey online.