Royal Robbins Announces Chemical Free Protection From Mosquitos

Royal Robbins Announces Chemical Free Protection From Mosquitos

Royal Robbins has announced a brand new line of clothing that offers you a chemical free way of preventing mosquitos from biting you. Their Mosquito Protection Technology, known as MPT is a tight weave engineered fabric that acts as a robust barrier to mosquitoes. There are no toxic chemical repellents or biocide which also means there is nothing to wash away, diminishing its effectiveness over time. This innovative technology has already been included in Popular Science’s list of "50 Greatest Innovations" of 2024.

There are a few ways to prevent mosquito bites in the woods effectively. Almost all of them require chemicals, from DEET in bug spray to pyrethrin-treated clothing, that wash away and potentially enter the water system—all except Royal Robbins’ Mosquito Protection Technology (MPT). MPT uses an incredibly tight weave that prevents mosquitoes from getting their proboscis through without sacrificing breathability. The fabric is also made to resist deforming, meaning a spin through the washing machine won’t affect protection.
— Popular Science

Check out the following new articles of clothing which claim to have a 92% effectiveness in preventing mosquito bites…

As outdoor enthusiasts, we know firsthand that mosquitoes can be annoying, and even dangerous. The CDC attributes nearly a million human deaths to disease-carrying mosquitos annually, making them the most lethal animal on the planet. MPT’s recognition in Popular Science’s ‘50 Greatest Innovations’ is a testament to our commitment to innovations that enhance people’s ability to adventure in nature.
— Erik Burbank, brand president of Royal Robbins

While you can’t order directly from the U.S. Royal Robbins site here in Canada, there are numerous Canadian outdoors stores that offer their clothing. Use the store finder feature on their website to find one closest to you.