Dehydrating: Pumpkin Seeds
While we were carving our Hallowe'en pumpkin, we thought.... couldn't we dehydrate these seeds? So we washed them, then threw them on to the sheets in the dehydrator, for two hours at 115º. If you soak your seeds (for easier digestion), you will have to run it longer, somewhere in the 12 to 24 hour range.
Now that the seeds are perfectly safe to store for ages to come, we thought we would roast them, then do a blind taste test to see if we could differentiate between the dehydrated + roasted seeds vs. the roasted seeds.
To roast Pumpkin seeds...
- (Optional) Boil the seeds for 10 min in salt water to make the seeds easier to digest. Then drain and pat dry with a paper towel
- Preheat your oven to 325º
- Spread the seeds on a pan
- Drizzle the seeds with olive oil
- Sprinkle some sea salt over the seeds
- Roast for 10 min
- Stir the seeds to prevent burning
- Roast for another 10 min
Turns out, roasting dehydrated seeds taste exactly the same as roasting raw seeds. So if you are cutting up a few pumpkins this year, you can save the seeds for next camping season!

Evan Holt