B.C.'s Ellison Provincial Park To Receive Trail And Campground Upgrades

Ellison Provincial Park in British Columbia is set to receive a new trail, several improvements to the campground and some expanded parking.
“Every year, millions of people head to provincial parks to connect with family and friends, and experience the wonders of nature. Ellison Provincial Park is one of B.C.’s natural treasures. We know people care deeply about provincial parks and want them stewarded effectively. Investing in our parks makes the BC Parks experience even better.”
Located along Okanagan Lake, Ellison Provincial Park spans 220 hectares of forested benchlands above a rocky shoreline of scenic headlands and sheltered coves. The park’s natural attractions, combined with a dry, sunny climate, make it a popular destination for people who enjoy hiking, climbing, swimming, camping, boating and fishing.
To enhance the visitor experience, 30 new parking spaces and a bike pump track have been added to the upper parking lot. In addition, a new, three-kilometre trail has been created for hikers and mountain bikers to explore. The trail, called the Loopy Campers Trail, is a beginner trail connecting the campground to the upper parking lot. The downhill portion of the trail is now open. The uphill section is expected to open in mid-July.
Several upgrades have been made to the campground in recent years, including accessible campsite furniture, new fire rings, water-line improvements, repaved road and accessible furniture at the beach.
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